Legal Notice
The Nivernais cork
Legal representative : Mr Guichard Fabien
Siret: 891 398 190 0019
Intracommunity VAT: FR 30891398190
Capital : 1500.00€
The head office : 85 faubourg du grand mouësse 58000 Nevers
Such. 03 86 61 19 09 / 03 86 57 98 13
E-mail :
Intellectual property
Content to which third-party intellectual property rights are attached or in which personal data appears cannot be reused without the prior agreement of the interested parties.
If you wish to use or reproduce content present on this site, contact the webmaster to find out the reuse conditions applicable to the content in question.
Personal data
• Data transmitted directly
These data are those that you transmit to us directly, via a contact form or by direct contact by email. The “first and last name”, “message” and “email” fields are mandatory in the contact form.
• Data collected automatically
During your visits, once your consent has been given, we may collect “web analytics” type information relating to your browsing.
The user is informed that, during his visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser software. The cookie is a block of data which does not identify the user but is used to record information relating to their navigation on the site. The cookie indirectly collects information concerning the user, the latter also has a right of consultation, withdrawal and modification.
Use of reserved services
The Au Relais Nivernais website, SAS TMS 58, a duly constituted and registered legal entity, uses the services of Réservit to facilitate online reservations for its customers on the Site. We would like to inform you of the details regarding this collaboration and how it affects your reservations:
RESERVIT is published and managed by the company INTERFACE TECHNOLOGIES
SAS with share capital of €50,000
Head office: Actiparc 1, Building 5 – 9001 Boulevard Claude Antonetti – 13821 La Penne sur Huveaune
RCS Marseille 415 310 655
VAT number FR 54 415 310 655
Publication director: Laurent Fabre – Editorial manager: Bertrand Lablache
Such. : 04 86 06 50 50
Legal basis
Personal data is only collected after mandatory consent from the user. This consent is validly collected (buttons and check boxes), free, clear and unequivocal.
Managing your cookie preferences
Certain features of this site (sharing content on social networks, direct video playback) rely on services offered by third-party sites. These features place cookies allowing these sites to track your browsing. These cookies are only placed if you give your consent. You can find out about the nature of the cookies placed, accept or refuse them either globally for the entire site and all services, or service by service.
Site created by
Frédéric Poisson
Atelier La Rivière – 90, rue Rébeval 75019 Paris
mobile: +33(0)6 20 61 92 91 – tel./fax: +33(0)1 42 01 56 44
Created under WordPress by Sandrine Bercovici